October 29, 2023
Coming very, very soon...
It's my sophomore book, and I am very humbled by those who have taken the time to read my debut novel, Summer Solstice. Unlike the first volume, Finding Baby Jesus did not take forty years of wandering through the wilderness of my mind!
The genesis for Finding Baby Jesus came quite by accident. Neil and I were newlyweds, and I wanted to decorate according to my individual tastes and style. I ordered a basic Fontanini™ nativity set. My sister, Lesia, received one when she first married, and I liked the tradition of adding to it each year. When the package arrived, I set it aside because it was October. Weeks later, when decorating the house for Christmas, I unpacked the carton to set it up on my dining room buffet. There was a stable, an angel, some sheep, a shepherd, Mary, Joseph…but guess what? I didn't have the main character! When I inspected the box, there was a gouge in the side, just big enough for Baby Jesus to escape.
Even though I ordered a replacement that arrived just a few days later, I realized if I lost Baby Jesus, someone surely must have found him! And from that humble beginning, an allegory tale began weaving itself. Writing a novella about a lost figurine has been quite challenging! I pray you discover the magic of Christmas miracles as you read this story.
And...as an added bonus...for those who have read my first novel, you get a glimpse into the future (for those who want to know what happens next for Beth and Rick)!